Welcome to Ultimate Music Workstation!

Every Operation can be sped up with "Q"

Sequence Editor:

Note: The "PER." Channel is only for Percussion and just because the Patterns in it have the same Numbers as in other Channels, They are not the same and include different Notes which can only be changed in the Percussion Editor.

Draw Patterns with "LEFT CLICK" and quickly switch to Eraser with "E".

Use "SPACE" to start and stop the song.

Use "B" to start playing the song from the beginning and use "V" reset the Playback Bar.

Use "A" and "D" to change Page and  "R" and "F" to change Pattern To Be Placed.

Use the Left and Right "ARROW KEYS" to shift Playback Bar by 16 Notes.

To Quickly edit a Pattern, Hold "W" while clicking on the pen Icon on a Pattern.

Pattern / Percussion Editor:

Use "SPACE" to listen to current Pattern.

Draw Notes with "LEFT CLICK" and quickly switch to Eraser with "E".

Switch Pattern To Be Edited with "A" and "D".

Quickly go back to Sequence Editor with "S".

To Instantly Copy the Notes of a Pattern to another Pattern, use the "START" button (further instructions in the Text-box of that Operation after pressing start button).

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